Bat-blind- an insult to a cat's eyesight, similar to the phrase "as blind as a bat". (15 m). Doesn't matter a whisker/Doesn't catch so much as a whisker - An exclamation meaning the cat does not care, (i.e. This can also be done instantaneously, by giving your fellow roleplayers a heads-up before you move on. Warrior Terms: Apprentices: A cat of six moons or older, in training to become a warrior. Your mentor will be [name of warrior or medicine cat]. Used in The Sun Trail. For a full guide on Character Customization, visit Character Customization. A leader is granted nine lives by StarClan so they "can be first in every battle and last to take a piece of fresh-kill" basically giving them extra time to serve and lead their Clan. I'd have shredded you into mousedust! Leader: Then by the powers given to me by StarClan, I give you your warrior name. If a cat is injured, the medicine cat takes care of them until they are well enough to return to their duties. They are treated with great respect in the Clan. Launch date: They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. Bees in your brain - An exclamation meaning confusion or a cat not making sense. Scaredy-sparrow - An expression also similar to scaredy-cat, in cat terms. Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition There are also many other proper ceremonies. For example, a Clan cat would almost always have a prefix and a suffix (e.g. Let's find out! Other medicine cats: Cheer new apprentice's name. Ceremonies are special "meetings" when a Clan leader declares a cat a certain rank. - An exclamation used to signify extreme surprise or anger. Another point is that even as Clan leader, you are certainly able to go on patrols, and this is pretty common in the books. Hare-dung - Used as an exclaimation, similar to "mouse-dung". Fresh-kill A recently killed prey animal caught for the purpose of consumption. A kit may choose to become a medicine cat apprentice at six moons, and usually trains longer than warrior apprentices. May the Sun warm your back and the fish leap into your paws - A blessing used in RiverClan used to wish good dreams or, in some instances, to say farewell to a dead cat. a person engaged in, experienced in, or devoted to war, What the Meadow Teaches Us - Issue 90: Something Green, Women like Mulan didnt need to go to war in disguise. Used in The Sun Trail by Gray Wing when Jagged Peak leaves the mountain cave. Severity of the insult is almost always decided by tone. Somewhat like the human phrase, When pigs fly! Your old life is no more. Tail Length: About the length of a tail, so about a 30 centimeters or a foot long. Used in Crookedstar's Promise. - An exclamation used meaning "How in the world?" This shows grade level based on the word's complexity. Leader: Spirits of StarClan, you know every cat by name. Similar to mousedust. But in the end his health gave way, and the Emperor himself wrote to Prince Eugne telling him to send the old warrior home. Who ruffled their fur?- A similar way of saying "who got under their skin?" It's warm, nice, and leaves are bright and green. Severity of the insult is almost always decided by tone. Crowfood - A (harsh) insult comparing the recipient to rotting prey animals (as in I'll turn you into crowfood! Moon - The time between one full moon and the next, spanning about 29 days, a month. An example of powerplaying as a Clan cat could look like this: {she attacked them forcefully with her laser eyes}. Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition | Warriors Wiki | Fandom Mouse-dung - A (somewhat harsh) insult comparing the recipient to mouse feces. : she padded over to the fresh-kill pile:. StarClan's kits! - To badly injure, rip to shreds. What you do not want might look like this: {attacks}, {she was blushing}, {sniffs air}. - An insult used when a cat (or cats) are acting crazy. Snake-tongue - An insult meaning cold or unfair; similar to "fox-hearted" or "snake-hearted", used by ShadowClan in Night Whispers. It is what your character would sound like (ex. Deputy: The Clan deputy is also a high rank in the Clan. Create your own Warrior Cats, and your own story. Choose the path of a Warrior, a Medicine Cat, or perhaps even a Clan Leader! Explore the Forest Territory and the Clans who inhabit it Develop friendships, alliances, and identify your foes! 2. This is not only about creating a personal morph, there are a few other steps. The elder then joins the rest of the roleplaying elders. While roleplaying, you might commonly be "insisting" that you are the center of attention. Used in The Sun Trail. Leader: Your Clan honors you and all the service you have given to us. You must challenge all trespassing cats. The way you type your username is not as important, but you want to make sure you come across clear. 0. . Foxbreath - An insult used in Beyond the Code, Fox-dung - A (harsh) insult comparing the recipient to fox feces. WindClan: All cats old enough to run the moor gather beneath the Tallrock for a Clan meeting)! Medicine cat - A cat who heals injuries and/or illnesses, who is skilled with herbs, leaves and natural cures and sometimes receives special signs or prophecies from StarClan. That's a load of badger droppings - A harsh exclamation saying that something is nonsense. Once a kittypet, always a kittypet! Queen - A she-cat with kits to take care of or who is pregnant with kits, or stays in the nursery helping other queens even though they have no kits. `Gather around for patrols!` ``Yes, you will be fine.`` Tundra`Dusk, just listen to Blizzard`Sight, alright? These are a few ways to speak in roleplay. They know about clans, but are generally non-aggressive with them (Ex; Barley, Ravenpaw), Monster: The large creatures known as "cars" which twolegs or humans drive across a thunderpath (see thunderpath). Whether you want to find the latest news, content and videos, or dive into the amazing new store, this is the place for you. Here is the code all cats should follow. Mouse-brain - A (friendly yet harsh) insult. For a guide on medicine cat skills, visit this Medicine Cat Guide. Snowmelt - A term used to describe slush or dirty, melted snow. Instead, you'll either clean the elders fur, hunt extra ammount of prey or whatever your mentor (if you have one), deputy, leader, or I decide. @wcrproblox Mrrow: Described when a cat is trying to hide a laugh or smile. As long as your cat's pelt is a mixture of natural colors and a size acceptable by domestic cat standards, your character should be acceptable. Would've made mousemeat out of you! - A harsh phrase used to describe a cat with kittypet roots. Used in Crookedstar's Promise. Severity of the insult is almost always decided by tone. For one, we'll start early on in Warrior lore. Frog-dirt and Fish-guts - Used in RiverClan, has the same meaning as thistles and thorns, used in Crookedstar's Promise. Even though they heal, medicine cats and their apprentices still need to know basic fighting skills, and they do hunt. May StarClan light your path/Banish all the fleas from your nest - A friendly term used to tell others they wish them well. Can you expose the truth in these two riddles? The same applies vice-versa (Clan cat becoming rogue, rogue becoming Clan cat). By my authority as Clan leader, and with the approval of our warrior ancestors, I give this cat a new name. Punishments here won't be like the punishments in the rules. Mouse Length: about the length of mouse, so approximately a couple inches in length. The left one leads to the Moonstone. it didn't matter a whisker that she didn't share their beliefs) similar to I don't give a mousetail. Or saying that a patrol didn't catch anything. 12. The new deputy of [Clan name] is [warrior's name]. Also used as an exclamation (as in Mousedung! Corporatione Retrieval downvoted. A RiverClan version of mouse-brain. Summary You can email the site owner to let them know you were blocked. " or. Sometimes, when a battle is fought (these words may be added just in general) or a mentor deems their apprentice worthy, these words are added: Leader: [Mentor], has your apprentice, [apprentice name], learned the skills of a warrior? Sorry catches no prey or Sorry fills no bellies - Means cats can be sorry, but that will not change the past. Inhofe is not just a climate-change denier; he is a warrior for corporate-funded half-truths and outright lies. One sunrise ago). Monster A vehicle operated by humans. Greenleaf:Summer.Greenleaf Twolegplace:A place where twolegs live, but only in the summer.Halfbridge:A dock/pier.Horseplace:Fields and stables near the lake where the half-tamed cats live.Housefolk:A kittypet's name for its human.Kits:Kittens; cats of six moons or younger. Name: The name of your OC is the first step in your character description. That can't be right!). They are the healers and are in charge of making sure their Clanmates are healthy and fit for their role in the Clan. Rogue/Loner: Being a rogue in WCUE can be fun if you prefer not being in a Clan. Elder - Cats who cannot hunt or fight anymore, sometimes due to injury (Stonepelt), loss of sight (Longtail), sickness (Heavystep), or are just too old to do their warrior duties. Warrior Cats Lannguage Guide - Words and Their Meanings Sometimes, you will see player's name as they show in the books (Frostfall, Blackmask), but due to Roblox guidelines, these types of name often tag, which is why most people use separators, such as an apostrophe, a colon, and much more depending on your taste! Queen/Kit: Queens and kits are the base system of the clans. Medicine Cat: I, [name], medicine cat of [Clan name], call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They are usually in their Twoleg place or exploring outside. [2] (You're) crazier than. what does cr mean in warrior cats avengers fanfiction peter cries in front of team Julho 7, 2022. However, they must carry out many duties, such as pulling ticks, or changing bedding. - A harsh phrase used to describe a cat with kittypet roots. Going back to the "attack" example, this also brings up another point. 11. (1.25-2.5 cm), Tail-length - About the length of a cat's tail; approximately a foot. Moon- A month or 29 days (can be said "it's been a moon" "it's been three moons ever since___". Leads the clan and does ceremonies.Leaf-bare:Winter.Leaf-fall:Fall/Autumn. You shouldn't walk up and start talking to that person when they are clearly conversing with someone else. It's better to scare away a mouse than welcome a badger - An old nursery saying that means that it's better to scare away a friendly cat than welcome a not-so-friendly cat. Whenever your cat is talking, you should use quotation marks and/or some other way for people to know when you are talking in roleplay. Used by Graypaw in Into the Wild describing how dangerous a fox could be. Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition | Roblox Wiki | Fandom Cleanpaw- An (scornful) insult used for someone who sticks to the rules closely. Mentor - A cat who is currently training an apprentice. Not only does it upset and often annoy the people trying to play, but it disrupts the roleplay altogether. However, some kittypets can be brave, and venture further. This is a collection of terms used by the Clan cats in their speech. Vote. Whitecough: a mild chest infection, which usually comes during Leaf-Bare and is the developing stage before Greencough. Basically, try not to make the whole roleplay revolve around you. Would've made mousemeat out of you! You might say they are attacking, eating, sleeping, etc. Warrior cats Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Equivalent to "a leopard can't change his spots. British English and American English are only different when it comes to slang words. Along the way, she discovers the fearless warrior that her mother knew was inside her all along. 15 August 2019[2] Any warrior that has mentored at least one apprentice (see warrior apprentice) can become deputy. Elder: An elder is a retired warrior or medicine cat. Snake-hearted - Similar to the term "fox-hearted," generally used by RiverClan. Writing your name as "scar claw" is not the way to go. Chickfeed- Alternative of crowfood, used before the start of the Clans. - to gravely injure, rip to shreds. Another example could be a warrior having a conversation with another cat. If you know the proper meeting call for the Clan you are roleplaying in, be sure to use it (e.g. William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 HarperCollins The Starpedia consists of all you need to know about the Clan territories, resources, and lore. Crow-food: Rotting or discarded food or prey which has began to decay or rot. Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition (WCUE) Wiki. It is a leader's second-in-command, and takes over when a leader dies, retires, or is no longer fit for the leadership role. Foxpaw is called this by Sandstorm in Eclipse. Leader - A cat who controls the entire Clan. But the proud stone lion that once stood atop the tomb, as Peristeri has often maintained, suggests a male occupant and a warrior. 3. Crowfood - A (harsh) insult comparing the recipient to rotting prey animals (as in I'll turn you into crowfood! In all the stars - an exclamation. Anyone who believes that life is a battlefield full of individual warriors should go out into the meadows on a spring night. Often refers to the Horseplace on WindClan's territory, where cats such as Daisy, Berrynose, Hazeltail, Mousewhisker, and Smoky come from.

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